Problem running simulate in Macos running .dylib

Discussion in 'Simulation' started by Alberto Barbero Herranz, Jan 3, 2019.

  1. I have Macos Sierra version 10.12.6
    I am using the mujoco version: mujoco200_macos

    I have saved the mjkey.txt file in the bin folder.

    When running the simulate file i come up with the following error:


    dyld: Library not loaded: libglfw.3.dylib

    Referenced from: /Users/Alberto/Desktop/mujoco200_macos/bin/simulate

    Reason: image not found

    Abort trap: 6



    I have checked and the libglfw.3.dylib file is actually in the specified folder. So I tried to open it by clicking on it and the following error arises:

    cannot execute binary file
    Anyone know what can be happening?
    thank you!!