Openai robotics environment question

Discussion in 'Modeling' started by OkayHuman, Nov 28, 2018.

  1. gripper_vel = robot_qvel[-2:] * dt # change to a scalar if the gripper is made symmetric

    robot-qvel[-2:] corresponds to these joint names:
    0 = {str} 'robot0:l_gripper_finger_joint'
    1 = {str} 'object0:joint'

    As a computer science major, I'm having a hard time understanding the physics behind the openAI robotics gym environment just released.

    For example, the first code line above, why are they multiplying a vector of [gripper finger joint velocity, object velocity] * dt to get gripper_velocity?

    1. What does the object velocity have to do with with the gripper velocity?
    2. Why are we multiplying by dt?
    3. if velocity = ds/dt, doesn't the above velocity * dt = ds, gives us ds which represents change in position, Not gripper_vel?

    Also, what resource can I use to understand the physics going on here?