Issues with fwdinv flag

Discussion in 'Modeling' started by Chris Richards, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. Hello,
    This should be an easy question - for some reason the fwdinv flag is not working - I get the following error:

    XML Error: Schema violation: unrecognized attribute: 'fwdinv'

    Any ideas what the problem might be? Or maybe lack of sleep on my part, but I checked my code.

    My code:

        <option timestep="0.000809524" integrator="RK4">
    <!--     <option timestep="0.004" integrator="RK4"> -->
            <flag gravity="disable" fwdinv="enable"/>
    Thanks very much for your time,
  2. Sorry, never mind - I now realize that this is a feature of version 1.40 which I have not upgraded to yet.