Gravitational matrix calculation

Discussion in 'Simulation' started by Karthik, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. Based on point 17 of Forward Dynamics Simulation Pipeline, MuJoCo calculates the vector of Coriolis, centrifugal and gravitational forces. I hope its calculated for each time instant based on the current Joint position and Joint velocities. I would like to access those values, so that I can perform gravity compensation for the each robot joints instantly. Is there any way to do that ? Also I am getting segmentation fault if use mj_contactForce(m, d, cc, con_force), Can I use this function after the end of the simulation ?
  2. Emo Todorov

    Emo Todorov Administrator Staff Member

    The vector of Coriolis etc. forces is in qfrc_bias, and is computed at each time step. The equaitios of motion are:

    M(qpos)*qacc + qfrc_bias = (sum of applied forces, passive forces and constraint forces)

    So if you set qfrc_applied = qfrc_bias in your control law, you will compensate for gravity and all other internal forces.

    You can use mj_contactForce and all other MuJoCo functions as long as mjModel and mjData are in memory. If you have already deleted them, then you will get a segmentation fault because you are passing an invalid pointer to the library.
  3. Thank You........