Failed to load mjcf by Mujoco-py

Discussion in 'Modeling' started by Xuan Lin, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. I am sorry this question should fit better to mujoco-python forum, but I asked there several days ago and nobody responds (it looks like that forum has been dead for a while), so I just check here if anyone happens to encounter this:

    I am trying to load my .xml file (converted from urdf) into mujoco by mujoco python:

    mujoco_env.MujocoEnv.__init__(self, "someFilePath/Silvia.xml", 5)

    and I get the following error:

    File "/home/xuan/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/gym/envs/mujoco/", line 98, in do_simulation[:] = ctrl
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object does not support item assignment

    My .xml file is attached.

    Did any one happen to be able to solve that?

    Attached Files:

  2. Solved... Need to manually put in root joint, camera and motors, ./compile doesn't do this automatically
    Kyokushin likes this.