Error from simulation related to MjViewer

Discussion in 'Simulation' started by tegg89, Feb 20, 2018.

  1. Hi, I recently update gym and mujoco_py and versions of those are
    Gym: 0.9.5

    I know that several errors are ongoing for the latest version of mujoco_py.
    One of the errors is that I tested with `InvertedPendulum-v2`, but the mismatching attributes. Model from previous version and sim from the latest version are not matched.
    In the from the gym/envs/mujoco, the last line is still with the model attribute which is that MjViewer does not have.
    Is this still ongoing process or am I wrong with figuring it out?
  2. Emo Todorov

    Emo Todorov Administrator Staff Member

    mujoco-py is developed and maintained by OpenAI. You should report this issue on their forum.