Deformable Cloth Simulation - Slipping Gradually

Discussion in 'Simulation' started by yujie, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. We have had some trouble with designing a Mujoco environment in which two grippers interact with a cloth. We are hoping to create an environment in which a robot gripper can hold a cloth for an extended period (ideally, at least a minute). We have tried many parameter settings as suggested by other Mujoco forum posts; the best settings for us are:

    Options: solver=“Newton”, impratio=”5”, cone=”elliptic”

    All geoms have friction='1.5 1.5 1.5', solref='0.01 1' solimp='0.99 0.99 0.01' condim='4'.

    For cloth, spacing="0.02" stiffness="0.02" damping="0.05".

    We’ve uploaded the xml files which contain all our parameters settings. However, the result is that the cloth still slips out of the gripper fairly quickly - here is the movie link

    We also tried the noslip solver (using 10 or more noslip iterations) but this leads to an unstable simulation. Reducing the timestep to 0.0001 doesn’t seem to help.

    Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!

    Attached Files: