Compiling MJvive.cpp on windows

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Ana_Ha, Mar 27, 2017.

  1. Dear Emo,
    we are trying to get to locally compile mjvive.cpp as we want to eventually combine it with Cyberglove tracking features. However we are struggling as there are several issues in getting the version of mjvive.cpp to compile.

    These are:
    Current GLVF3 (3.2.1) is not compatible with the calls in MJVIVE.cpp anymore. Which version was used to compile it (we tried 3.1.2 but that also failed).
    e.g. hmd.system->GetControllerState(ctl[n].id, &state));
    requires a third argument now.

    Current OpenVR is not compatible with the MJVIVE.cpp. Which version was used to compile it?
    Texture_t vTex = {(void*)hmd.idtex, API_OpenGL, ColorSpace_Gamma};
    has API_OpenGL undefined.

    Alternatively, is it possible to obtain the source code and or the MSVC "Solution" code for MJVIVE and HAPTIX so we can start using our MUJOCO Pro straight away?

    many thanks
    Harris @ FaisalLab
    Imperial College London
  2. Emo Todorov

    Emo Todorov Administrator Staff Member

    mjvive.cpp is designed to work with MuJoCo Pro, not HAPTIX. I am not sure what GLVF is... are you referring to GLFW? Regardless, the call hmd.system->... is from OpenVR. Its version number does not appear in the headers; I downloaded it on 9/28/16 if that helps. The header I was using is attached; it defines API_OpenGL.

    I am planning to develop mjvive.cpp and a similar mjrift.cpp further and adapt them to the upcoming MuJoCo Pro 1.50 and the latest VR SDKs, and release MuJoCo VR officially. Until then, making changes to mjvive.cpp from the beta release and adapting it to newer versions of the SDKs is up to the users. You need to link with MuJoCo Pro, GLFW for rendering, and OpenVR for talking to the HMD. These libraries are independent of each other, so you should be able to make all the necessary changes on your end in case the APIs have evolved.

    I don't have command-line makefiles for VR yet, and the Visual Studio project is specific to my setup and is doing things you cannot do on your end (i.e. compiling and liking MuJoCo Pro as a static library).

    Attached Files:

    • openvr.h
      File size:
      147.1 KB