Finite Differences and installed control function

Discussion in 'Simulation' started by Henrique G., Jul 21, 2016.

  1. Hi.

    I'm quite knew to MuJoCo Pro.

    In the finite difference algorithm is necessary to call the mj_step to evaluate the disturbances in the states, but, if I already have an installed control function at the pipeline and you want to calculate the mj_step without it, what is the best way? I was thinking of using mj_step1 and mj_step2, but it only uses Euler integration, right?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Emo Todorov

    Emo Todorov Administrator Staff Member

    Several comments regarding finite differences, control callback and mj_step/1/2:

    1. The code sample computes derivatives with respect to applied force (qfrc_applied) and not with respect to control. In general, the number of control signals does not equal the number of degrees of freedom, so if you want to compute such a derivative, it will have different dimensionality.

    2. The code sample uses mj_forward and mj_inverse to compute the dynamics at nearby states and applied forces (and then subtract them to obtain numerical derivatives). These functions compute continuous-time quantities. Thus the finite difference results do not directly depend on the integrator. mj_step is only used in the driver function, as a way to generate states along a trajectory of the passive dynamics. The derivatives are then computed at those states. It doesn't actually matter where these states came from and whether or not they form a continuous trajectory; the finite difference computation is the same for any state.

    3. mj_step1 followed by mj_step2 still calls the control callback at the end of mj_step1; and gives you the option to modify ctrl or the applied forces before calling mj_step2. So this is not a valid way to disable the control callback.

    4. To disable the control callback, simply set the function pointer mjcb_control to a function that does nothing, call mj_step, then set the pointer again to your actual control callback.

    When modifying the derivatives code sample or developing new code, it is a good idea to find some mathematical identity that allows you to check the numerical results. Even though the basic idea is straightforward, implementing it efficiently (i.e. re-using as many previous results as possible) is tricky as the code sample illustrates, and one can easily get the wrong result.
  3. I will try poniting mjcb_control to some dummy function (or nullptr).

    Also, if mjcb_control is clear, will mj_step use what is in d->ctrl (e.g. manually set d->ctrl before calling mj_step)?

    Thanks for the answer!
  4. Emo Todorov

    Emo Todorov Administrator Staff Member

    The simulator never writes anything to ctrl, except when a reset is triggered. And it does not care if ctrl was fill in by the control callback or by user code executed in-between calls to the simulator.

    Note that mjcb_control cannot be "clear" in the sense of a NULL pointer. That will cause the simulator to crash. It has to point to a function (with the specified format).

    Maybe I should allow callbacks to be set to NULL without crashing... but as of 1.31 this is not allowed.
  5. Side question: If mjcb_control can't be nullptr, it is initialised with what?
  6. Emo Todorov

    Emo Todorov Administrator Staff Member

    It is initialized with a function that does nothing. I just decided to allow NULL in all callbacks starting with release 1.40 btw, so in the future you will not need dummy functions.
  7. Oh, that's nice :D